
Birthday celebrations

 I had a great time ecelebrating my birthday early with my friends. We had a treat of savoring and I got a steamed chocolate pud and everyone sung me happy birthday. 


 This morning  we learnt to  paint using  water colours for Valentines day on a heart shape , it's nice to  try something  different. 

Lunch at the Citz club

 I had fun going for lunch with friends to the Tauranga Citizens club. I had the burger and chip meal. It was scrumptious! 

Whats in the cubboard?

This morning we made a batch of super yummy date scones, I love my time helping in the kitchen showing of my cooking skills.  

The game Memory

 It was fun to stay  focused  and play the  game memory,a good  challenge  with my friends. 

Researching my goal

 I went on the I-pad this week I helped to research 'port tours' for a possible outing next year.  It would be cool to see some of the machinery and trucks there!